Magnum Opus by Sujoy

Copyright 2007 | No part of the content or the blog may be reproduced without prior written permission. Mail me at :sujoy.singha[at]gmail[dot]com

Index of Movies

I have been reviewing movies for quite some time now. Here I have the index of all those which I have reviewed on this website.

Magnum Opus Index of Movie Reviews.

As you all know, I have moved to my new website

It also has movie reviews, and the Index page is given below.

OneKnightStands Movie Review Index.

Hope you enjoy reading them.


Hi everyone. We have moved from this address to

Check out the new site for all my latest posts on Movies, Music, Pop Culture, Humor and much more.

Blog of the Day Award

Yippeeeee!!!! So after the Flogger Award, I just won the Blog of the Day Award. Feels jubilant. But I think I should get back to my senses. So, here's the code to be pasted.

Blog Awards Winner

Lovely. This weekend it's gonna be Aaja Nach Le. Expect a longer post than my OSO review. Peace. Thanks for the love!!!

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Ok, I'll try again. This life isn't worth living as a poor person. Without being wealthy, I've learned that life is not worth living. I'd rather be dead than poor, that's for sure. So, how do I make lot's of money, so I don't blow my brains out, and release myself from the madness of this mediocre entrapment?

1:11 AM  

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